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Fashion is under-utilized in both artistic and commercial ways as elements like sound and movement are challenging to translate through the tactile forms, considering the close connection it has with the human body. Indeed, with the help of AR technology, an intuitive human-computer interaction interface, fashion could be a powerful medium that facilitates social interaction, digital experience and self-expression with appreciable commercial opportunities. 



To resolve the communication that design deserves, KG Projects uses augmented reality as a catalyst to extend the presence of clothing beyond its tangible form.

The project has two components: an Augmented Reality App and graphical clothing, which together unlock infinite AR  experience. Users are able to constantly explore digital designs and interaction generated by artists on the platform and collaborated brands. Also, the information displayed are sensitive to the users’ geo-location, mood, and so on in order to facilitate the connection with the wearers. Meanwhile, users are able to create their own design with assisting tools. We encourage social engagement by enabling users to gift and share their creation with friends in-app. 

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